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Online direct debit transaction processes

CitiDirect Online Banking provides timely receipt of funds and improved credit monitoring with access to real-time information for streamlined processes and maximum flexibility. With multiple direct debit mandate options, the CitiDirect platform enables authorized users to:

Create mandates
Create standing instructions to collect fixed amounts from customers on a regular schedule
Validate direct debit transactions against approved mandates
Identify and correct invalid direct debit transactions
Reverse debit instructions, as well as amend or delete released instructions
Cancel debit mandates—even after inputting
Request biller approval of a reversal

Plus, CitiDirect Online Banking also offers enhanced functionality including:

Active debits (payer approval) to include clients who do not have Citibank accounts
The ability to send to protest and retrieve from protest, as well reverse and retrieve from protest, or simply reverse
Access to comprehensive receivables reports

The power of real-time information

The CitiDirect platform provides access to 10 direct debit reports and three inquiry features that deliver key details and summaries of transaction activity. Plus, with the CitiDirect data import utility, you can quickly upload and integrate direct debit initiation files in virtually any format into existing applications and systems. This easy access to real-time information combined with the highly personalized guidance of our financial experts helps you speed collections and manage your cash positions more effectively day-to-day.

For more information on Collections through CitiDirect Online Banking, please contact your Citibank Service Representative to schedule a demonstration, or complete our Information Request Form.

Collections features and functionality may vary by country. Please check with your Citibank representative for more details.
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