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Check My PC
Welcome to Check My PC
A quick and easy program, Check My PC will determine whether your PC meets the minimum software requirements to run CitiDirect Online Banking. Upon completion of the program, you can view a detailed report containing your PC's Check My PC results.
 Get ready to install CitiDirect by:
Reviewing the system requirements and Internet Explorer settings required for CitiDirect Online Banking. Click the link at right to go to System Requirements.
Running Check My PC to determine if your PC meets the requirements to run CitiDirect. This program will also check to make sure your machine meets our recommended level of connectivity and throughput.
Note: You must be registered at this Web site to run Check My PC. If you are not, please click the Registration link on the left navigation bar to complete the registration process. Javascript and cookies must be enabled for this Web site to run.

If your PC is ready for CitiDirect, you can install the CitiDirect software directly from this site.
If it is not ready, you will be provided with details on the components on your PC that need to be adjusted or installed in order to run CitiDirect.
Here is where you can find your
for receiving help with products, service or technical inquiries.

 Related Links
System Requirements
CitiDirect Security