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CitiDirect Online Banking - Glossary
A list of common financial services terms and their definitions, in addition to terms and phrases specific to Citibank and CitiDirect Online Banking.
CitiDirect® - Glossary
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Mail to Country Code/Name
Name of country and associated code where the payment is to be sent.
MCM Format
The format used to extract account balances and transactions into an ASCII data file.
The mode of operation for import files: "LIVE" or "TEST." Once defined, import profiles are tested until they are deemed satisfactory. Once authorized, an import profile is automatically set to "LIVE" mode, indicating that the import profile is authorized and capable of being run.
Maturity Date
Date on which the principal balance of the fixed maturity instrument or foreign exchange (FX) contract becomes due. For Trade products, the date on which the principal balance of the bill is due.
Mail Charges Account Number
Account number from which mail charges should be debited. Defaults to Debit Account Number. Note: Information is entered only if the delivery method is by mail or courier.
Medical Support Provided
Indicates if medical support is provided.
Mail to Name
Name of the entity/individual to which the payment is to be mailed.
Mail to Address
Address where the payment is to be mailed.
Mat Princ Rem Acct
Account to be credited with the principal from the contract.
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