function getAccessCode() { return "Please enter the Access Code provided by Citibank."; } function getAdditionalCitiGCN() { return "Please make sure that the Citi GCN address entered is either 5 or 8 characters (letters ONLY) in length."; } function getAdditionalComments() { return "Please enter your comments. Note: This field cannot exceed 1000 characters."; } function getAdditionalCommentsExceeded(length) { return "You have entered " + length + " characters in the field labeled \"Comments\". Please do not exceed 1000 characters."; } function getAdditionalFax() { return "Please enter a valid Fax number (numbers ONLY)."; } function getAdditionalIssueDescExceeded(length) { return "You have entered " + length + " characters in the field labeled \"Issue Description\". Please do not exceed 1000 characters."; } function getAdditionalSWIFT() { return "Please make sure that the SWIFT address entered is either 8 or 11 characters in length."; } function getAuthAccountNumber() { return "Select an Account Number."; } function getAuthWorldLinkClientNumber() { return "Select a WorldLink Client Number."; } function getBCNRDaysForWL() { return "Value date is less than required BCNR days."; } function getBatchNumber() { return "Please enter a Batch Number in numeric format only. "; } function getBranch() { return "Please select a Branch and try again."; } function getCOB() { return "Please select the Country(s) where you often do business.\nSelect either the ALL option or a combination of no more than 5 countries."; } function getCOD() { return "Please select your Primary Work Location."; } function getCitiDirectServiceClasses() { return "Please select the services that you are, or will be using after installing the CitiDirect software.\nSelect either the ALL option or a combination of other Services."; } function getCitibankTransactionRef16or24Char() { return "Enter Citibank Transaction Reference using 16 or 20 characters only."; } function getCloseAndOpenFromDateRanges() { return "\"Date Open Range From:\" must be earlier than \"Date Closed Range From:\""; } function getCloseAndOpenToDateRanges() { return "\"Date Open Range To:\" must be earlier than \"Date Closed Range To:\""; } function getCompany() { return "Please enter your company's name."; } function getCompanyContact() { return "Please enter a valid Company Contact information and submit again."; } function getCompanyName() { return "Please enter a valid Company Name and submit again."; } function getConfirmPersonalId() { return "Please confirm your Personal ID."; } function getCountry() { return "Please enter a valid Country and submit again."; } function getCountrySingleSelect() { return "Please select a Country."; } function getCreatePersonalId() { return "Please enter a Personal ID.\nPersonal ID cannot be less than 8 characters -\nat least 1 alpha character and 1 numeric.\n\nEmbedded space(s) in Personal ID field are not allowed."; } function getDateAlert() { return "Enter all date information. (e.g., 14 MAR 2001)"; } function getDateClosedFrom() { return "Please select a valid date for \"Date Closed Range From:\""; } function getDateClosedTo() { return "Please select a valid date for \"Date Closed Range To:\""; } function getDateOpenFrom() { return "Please select a valid date for \"Date Open Range From:\""; } function getDateOpenTo() { return "Please select a valid date for \"Date Open Range To:\""; } function getDisclaimerDisagree1() { return "You are disagreeing to Disclaimer.\nYou will not be able to register to the site. Do you still want to continue?"; } function getDisclaimerDisagree2() { return "By disagreeing to the disclaimer, you will not be able to register for Payment Investigations. Do you still want to continue?\n\nNote: You can register later by clicking the Investigations tab above."; } function getEMail() { return "Please enter a valid email address.\n\nEmbedded space(s) in E-mail field are not allowed."; } function getFAQResponseThanks() { return "Thank you for your response to this FAQ."; } function getFAQSelectResponse() { return "If you would like to submit a response to this FAQ, one of the responses must be marked."; } function getFAQSelectTopicKeyword1() { return "You must select a topic in order to initiate the search."; } function getFirstName() { return "Please enter your first name."; } function getFromTo() { return "Dates selected in the From field must be earlier than dates selected in the To field."; } function getInvalidAN() { return "Please Enter alphanumeric characters only."; } function getInvalidChar() { return "Please do not enter any of the following characters: < > ; * \" ' ( ) ` | ~ ^ [ ]{ } "; } function getInvalidCharAccessCode() { return "Invalid character(s) in Access Code field."; } function getInvalidCharAdditionalComments() { return "Please do not enter any of the following characters in the \"Comments\" field:\n\n< > ; * \" ' ( ) ` | ~ ^ [ ] { } \\"; } function getInvalidCharBeneficiaryAccountName() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Beneficiary Account Name:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharBeneficiaryAccountNumber() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Beneficiary Account Number:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharBeneficiaryBank() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Beneficiary Bank:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharCitiGCN() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Citi GCN Address:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharCitibankTransactionRef() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Citibank Transaction Reference:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharCompany() { return "Invalid character(s) in Company field."; } function getInvalidCharEMail() { return "Invalid character(s) in E-mail field."; } function getInvalidCharFax() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Fax Number:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharFax1() { return "Invalid character(s) in Fax Field."; } function getInvalidCharFirstName() { return "Invalid character(s) in First Name field."; } function getInvalidCharInvestigationReference() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Investigation Reference:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharIssueDescription() { return "Please do not enter any of the following characters in the \"Issue Description\" field:\n\n< > ; * \" ' ( ) ` | ~ ^ [ ] { } \\"; } function getInvalidCharLastName() { return "Invalid character(s) in Last Name field."; } function getInvalidCharOrderingParty() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Ordering Party:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharPersonalId() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Personal ID:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharRemittingBank() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Remitting Bank:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharRemittingBankRef() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Remitting Bank Ref:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharSWIFT() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"SWIFT Address:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharSisEMail1() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Email Address 1:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharSisEMail2() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Email Address 2:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharSurvey() { return "Invalid character(s) in the highlighted field."; } function getInvalidCharTelephone() { return "Invalid character(s) in Telephone field."; } function getInvalidCharWorldLinkTransactionRef() { return "Invalid characters in \"WorldLink Transaction Reference\" field."; } function getInvalidCharYourInquiryRef() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Your Inquiry Ref:\" field."; } function getInvalidCharYourRef() { return "Invalid character(s) in \"Your Reference:\" field."; } function getInvalidEmail() { return "Invalid email format. Please modify and resubmit."; } function getInvalidEmailFax() { return "Please indicate an email address or a fax number for the notification and then re-submit this subscription for processing."; } function getInvalidFax() { return "Invalid fax format. Please modify and resubmit."; } function getInvalidFaxChar() { return "Invalid character(s) in Fax field. Please modify and resubmit."; } function getInvalidFaxLength() { return "You have entered an invalid Fax Number. Fax numbers should be at lease 10 characters long. Please correct and submit again."; } function getInvalidMultipleEmailFaxChar() { return "Please do not enter spaces or commas in the field. Multiple values must be semicolon (';') delimited."; } function getInvalidTranOrigAmount() { return "The Transaction Original Amount you have entered is invalid. Please check the Transaction Original Amount and try again."; } function getInvestigationReference1() { return "Enter Investigation Reference using 16 or 20 characters only."; } function getInvestigationReference2() { return "Enter Investigation Reference using 12 characters only.\nInvestigation Reference must be in the format: 1234-01JAN02 or 1234501JAN02."; } function getIssueType() { return "Select an Issue Type"; } function getLastName() { return "Please enter your last name."; } function getLockboxNumber() { return "Please enter a Lockbox Number in numeric format only. "; } function getMatchPersonalId() { return "The Personal ID's that you entered do not match.\nPlease reenter your Personal ID."; } function getMatchSisEMails() { return "Email Address 1 and Email Address 2 cannot be the same."; } function getMoreThan5COB() { return "Please select no more than five Country(s)."; } function getNoDataChange() { return "There is no data change."; } function getNoOfDaysInMonth1() { return "Invalid Date\n\nThe selected month has only 30 days."; } function getNoOfDaysInMonth2() { return "Invalid Date\n\nThe selected month has only 28 days."; } function getNoOfDaysInMonth3() { return "Invalid Date\n\nThe selected month has only 29 days."; } function getNoPirorData() { return "There is no prior saved data."; } function getNonASCIIChar() { return "You have entered a character that is not recognised in this form. Please retry using English characters only."; } function getNonAuthAccountNumber() { return "Enter the Account Number - special characters and spaces cannot be entered."; } function getNonAuthWorldLinkClientNumber() { return "Enter the WorldLink Client Number using alphanumeric characters only.\nEnter either 5 or 9 characters."; } function getOnlyOneOption() { return "Please select an option for your search. Only ONE option may be selected."; } function getPCRA() { return "Please select your method."; } function getPCRACitiGCN() { return "Please enter Citi GCN address as Citi GCN is your preferred method for case reference acknowledgements.\n\nIf you have already entered it, make sure it is either 5 or 8 characters (letters ONLY) in length."; } function getPCRAFax() { return "Please enter a valid Fax number (numbers ONLY) as Fax is your preferred method for case reference acknowledgements."; } function getPCRASWIFT() { return "Please enter SWIFT address as SWIFT is your preferred method for case reference acknowledgements.\n\nIf you have already entered it, make sure it is either 8 or 11 characters in length."; } function getPaymentAmount() { return "Please make sure that the value entered in the Payment Amount field follows the requirements listed below:\n\n1. Only numbers and ONE decimal separator can be entered. The decimal separator must be a decimal point (.)\n2. Zero (0) is not a valid amount. e.g. 0 OR 0.00 are invalid entries.\n3. Decimal separator (.) alone is not a valid entry."; } function getPaymentAmountFromTo1() { return "You have entered an invalid range. Please enter a value in the Amount Range From field as you have entered a value in the Amount Range To field."; } function getPaymentAmountFromTo2() { return "You have entered an invalid range. Amount entered in the Amount Range From field must be less than amount entered in the Amount Range To field."; } function getPaymentCurrency1() { return "Select a Payment Currency."; } function getPaymentCurrency2(tempCCY, decimalValuesAcceptable, integersAcceptable) { return "Please make sure that the value entered in the Payment Amount field follows the requirements listed below:\n\n1. Only numbers and ONE decimal separator can be entered. The decimal separator must be a decimal point (.)\n2. Zero (0) is not a valid amount. e.g. 0 OR 0.00 are invalid entries.\n3. Decimal separator (.) alone is not a valid entry.\n\nYou have selected the currency: " + tempCCY + ", which allows " + decimalValuesAcceptable + " decimal places and " + integersAcceptable + " numbers before the decimal separator.\n\nNote: Please make sure that numbers before the decimal separator follow the instruction stated above even if you have not entered any decimal places."; } function getPaymentCurrency3() { return "Please make sure that the value entered in the Payment Amount field follows the requirements listed below:\n\n1. Only numbers and ONE decimal separator can be entered. The decimal separator must be a decimal point (.)\n2. Zero (0) is not a valid amount. e.g. 0 OR 0.00 are invalid entries.\n3. Decimal separator (.) alone is not a valid entry.\n\nYou cannot enter more than 6 decimal places and 11 numbers before the decimal separator in the Amount Range fields if no currency is selected.\n\nNote: Please make sure that numbers before the decimal separator follow the instruction stated above even if you have not entered any decimal places."; } function getPaymentCurrency4(tempCCY, decimalValuesAcceptable, integersAcceptable) { return "Please make sure that the value entered in the amount field follows the requirements listed below:\n\n1. Only numbers and ONE decimal separator can be entered. The decimal separator must be a decimal point (.)\n2. Zero (0) is not a valid amount. e.g. 0 OR 0.00 are invalid entries.\n3. Decimal separator (.) alone is not a valid entry.\n\nYou have selected the currency: " + tempCCY + ", which allows " + decimalValuesAcceptable + " decimal places and " + integersAcceptable + " numbers before the decimal separator.\n\nNote: Please make sure that numbers before the decimal separator follow the instruction stated above even if you have not entered any decimal places."; } function getPaymentCurrency5() { return "Please select a valid Currency and try again."; } function getPersonalId() { return "Please enter valid email and Personal ID you entered during registration to update your profile."; } function getPhone() { return "Please enter a valid Telephone Number and submit again."; } function getPreferredLanguage() { return "Please select your preferred Language."; } function getReferenceNumber() { return "Please enter a valid Transaction Reference Number and try again."; } function getReferenceNumberInvalid() { return "The Transaction Reference Number you have entered contains invalid characters. Please enter a valid Transaction Reference Number and try again."; } function getReferenceNumberType() { return "Please select a valid Type of Reference Number and try again."; } function getRegion() { return "Please select Region and submit again."; } function getRequiredFields() { return "Required fields can't be null."; } function getRestart2() { return "Please close and restart your browser to use CitiDirect."; } function getSearchCriteriaEmpty() { return "In order to perform a search you must provide search criteria."; } function getSelectBranch() { return "Select a Branch."; } function getSisEMail1() { return "Please enter a valid Email Address 1."; } function getSisEMail2() { return "Please enter a valid Email Address 2."; } function getSisEmail1ForEmail2() { return "Email Address 1 is required if you enter Email Address 2. Please enter a valid Email Address 1."; } function getSisSearchOption1() { return "The option to search by Citibank Transaction Reference CANNOT be used in combination with other options.\n\nOnly ONE option may be selected."; } function getSisSearchOption2() { return "The option to search by Investigation Reference CANNOT be used in combination with other options.\n\nOnly ONE option may be selected."; } function getSurveyThanks() { return "Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey."; } function getSuspendNotif() { return "All notifications for this account have been suspended. Do you want to continue?"; } function getTelephone() { return "Please enter your telephone number.\nWhen appropriate, include your area code and/or country code.\n\nMaximum length is 20 digits."; } function getTextArea() { return "The selected text area exceeds 100 characters. Please modify and resubmit."; } function getTextArea1() { return "The selected text area exceeds 150 characters. Please modify and resubmit."; } function getTextArea2() { return "The selected text area exceeds 500 characters. Please modify and resubmit."; } function getTradeAdvisorInvalidChar() { return "The reference number you have entered contains invalid characters. Please check the number and try again."; } function getTradeAdvisorRef() { return "Please enter the transaction reference number to check for related activity."; } function getTradeRegion() { return "Please select a valid Region and try again."; } function getTranOrigAmount() { return "Please enter a valid Transaction Value and try again."; } function getUpdateInvestigationAdditionalInformation() { return "Additional Information is required."; } function getUpdateprofileChoice() { return "At least one of the buttons must be marked."; } function getValidCitibankReferenceNumber() { return "Please enter a valid Citibank Reference Number and try again."; } function getWorldLinkTransactionRef() { return "Enter the WorldLink Transaction Reference."; }